Thank you for supporting the Creole Heritage Center at Northwestern State University! Your support is essential for the continuation of our activities to meet our mission of preserving, educating, and advocating the value and significance of the vibrant Louisiana Creole people and their culture.

In 2025, our priorities include:
  • Produce educational materials on Louisiana Creoles for K-12 educators and adults
  • Create online and permanent exhibits on Louisiana Creole communities & the CHC’s History
  • Enhance preservation & accessibility to our Resource Library via technology & material improvements
  • Attend & provide support to Creole family & Cultural Heritage events for increased visibility

You may also use this form to donate directly to a scholarship that honors a member of the Creole community and/or aligns with the mission of the Creole Heritage Center. These scholarships assist NSU students with tuition and expenses. They are administered by the NSU Foundation & Alumni Association, but more information about them can also be found at

All donations will be processed through NSU Foundation, Inc. but designated into the category you identify. Gifts made to NSU Foundation, Inc. are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. NSU Foundation, Inc. is exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its Federal Identification Number is 72-6021495.

Contact the Creole Heritage Center at 318-357-6685 or with any questions, including business/organization sponsorships and in-kind or archival donations.

Personal Info


Total: $20.00 One Time