Todd Huddleston joined the fall 1989 pledge class of the Gamma Psi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Fraternity.  He was a math major and graduate of Louisiana Scholars’ College. Todd owned and ran a successful Tae Kwon Do school, Yonsei Martial Arts, in New Orleans and regularly hung out with his KA alumni brothers throughout his life. During Spring 2016 Todd established the Todd Huddleston Endowed Scholarship benefiting Scholar’s College recipients who were also members of Kappa Alpha Fraternity.  Todd tragically passed away in a motorcycle accident in 2017.  Because he was an organ donor, five people received a gift from Todd so that they can continue to live or have a better quality of life. Todd’s legacy will live through the countless students who will have their college education paid for through his generosity. His legacy will also live through the countless amount of stories his fellow KAs have shared and will continue to share through the years.

Todd was known for calling all his friends the week before Christmas and wishing a merry Christmas. Every year we all get a call with Todd on the other line and he would say “this is your merry Christmas call a week before Christmas.” I really miss that phone call every year.

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Total: $50.00 One Time