About The NSU Foundation


The mission of the Northwestern State University Foundation is to serve the students, faculty, and staff of Northwestern State University, primarily through financial resources raised and distributed by the corporation.

Our History

The Northwestern State Foundation is a nonprofit organization incorporated on May 20, 1960.

On May 20, 1960, 27 individuals founded the nonprofit corporation as defined in the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, and signed Articles of Incorporation creating the Northwestern State University Foundation.

The Foundation manages various programs, including: scholarships, professorships and chair funds, fund-raising and development operations, college and departmental support, and other university-related programs. The Foundation also bridges relationships with faculty, students, alumni, friends, corporations and other foundations interested in academic excellence.

The Foundation functions through its Board of Directors, institutional constituents and donors. The NSU Board of Directors is a voluntary group of business and professional leaders that govern the NSU Foundation, meeting four times per year working on several committees.

The Foundation

How does the Foundation assist Northwestern State University?

The Foundation works with former students, corporations and other supporters to match their charitable interests with the university’s priorities. Your gifts create scholarships, advance faculty endeavors, enhance student programs and fund new buildings. Gifts made to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Through the years, the NSU Foundation Inc., has assisted the university in many ways. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Funding areas not supported with state dollars.
  • Supporting academic departments in areas where state funds are not available or when additional funding is critical.
  • Providing funds for academic scholarship, currently more than $1.5 million per year.
  • Securing and managing large grants and contributions for endowing professorships, scholarships and chairs.
  • Managing and investing money raised by the NSU Alumni Association.
  • Administering and overseeing endowed funds, including scholarship accounts, totaling approximately $20 million.
  • Assisting the NSU administrating in achieving university goals and objectives.

Why give to the Foundation?

Your tax-deductible donation can impact Northwestern State University, regardless of amount. Your active participation impacts our community and student education. The Northwestern State Foundation is exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and qualifies for the maximum charitable contribution deduction by donors. Our Federal Identification Number is 72-6021495.

NSU Foundation Staff

Laurie Morrow


Office of Economic Development & University Advancement


(318) 357-6011

Janet Vienne


Office of Economic Development & University Advancement


(318) 357-4246

Raegan Washington


Office of Economic Development & University Advancement – Room 204


(318) 357-4235

NSU Foundation Board Of Directors

Pete Abington
Pete Abington
B. Scott Andrews
B. Scott Andrews
Brian Bailey
Brian Bailey
Molly Beach
Molly Beach
Cloyd Benjamin
Cloyd Benjamin
John Bonnette
John Bonnette
Wesley Breeden
Wesley Breeden
Dr. Virginia Burkett
Dr. Virginia Burkett
Henry Burns
Henry Burns
Nick Courville
Nick Courville
Reatha Cox
Reatha Cox
Desiree Dyess
Desiree Dyess
Nicole Gray
Nicole Gray
Michelle Hollenshead
Michelle Hollenshead
Dr. Steve Horton
Dr. Steve Horton
Mike Knotts
Mike Knotts
John A. Manno Jr.
John A. Manno Jr.
Terry Moore
Terry Moore
Sherry Morgan
Sherry Morgan
Jill Morrison
Jill Morrison
Michael J. Murphy
Michael J. Murphy
Tre Nelson
Tre Nelson
Barbara Jo Pease
Barbara Jo Pease
Regina Pierce
Regina Pierce
Lenn Prince
Lenn Prince
John Robinson
John Robinson
Alex Washington
Alex Washington
Mike Wilburn
Mike Wilburn
Lela Mae Wilkes
Lela Mae Wilkes
Thomas Wright
Thomas Wright
Louie Bernard
Louie BernardAssociate Board Member
Dr. Nikki Ceaser-Small
Dr. Nikki Ceaser-SmallAssociate Board Member
Danielle Dunahoe
Danielle DunahoeAssociate Board Member
Brett Harris
Brett HarrisAssociate Board Member
Jennifer Thornton
Jennifer ThorntonAssociate Board Member
Lola W. Dunahoe
Lola W. DunahoeEmeritus Board Member
Deceased – September 2024
Ted Jones
Ted JonesEmeritus Board Member
Deceased – August 2019
MGEN Erbon Wise
MGEN Erbon WiseEmeritus Board Member
Deceased – August 2020
Sammy J. Bonnette
Sammy J. BonnetteHonorary Board Member
Chief Rufus Davis
Chief Rufus DavisHonorary Board Member
Deceased – October 2022
Harvey Marcus
Harvey MarcusHonorary Board Member
J. Wayne Wilkerson
J. Wayne WilkersonHonorary Board Member