We’re thankful to be part of the Louisiana community. At Northwestern State University Department of Theatre and Dance, we pride ourselves on bringing you quality productions with today’s up-and-coming talent.
Designated as the Center for Excellence in the Arts for the University of Louisiana System, our Theatre and Dance is one of only 150 programs in the United States accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre. This recognition is thanks to the dedicated faculty, staff, and Patrons who give their time and treasure to make Theatre and Dance a priority for our students.
Become a Patron today and help support our extremely talented students to create the high-quality performances you have come to expect from Northwestern State University.
Patron Levels:
- Producer’s Circle ($10,000+)
- Director’s Circle ($5,000 – $9,999)
- Ambassador ($2,500 – $4,999)
- Benefactor ($1,000 – $2,499)
- Angel ($500 – $999)
- Supporter ($250 – $499)
- Friend of the Theatre ($100 – $249)
- Patron ($50 – $99)