Messages from The President

Dr. Marcus D. Jones

A Message From The President – April 1, 2022

Over Spring Break, five students who are participating in the President’s Leadership Program and Reatha Cox, Vice-President of Student Experience and Dean of Students, accompanied me to France as part of Northwestern’s international exchange program initiatives.

The students’ professionalism and leadership as we visited some of the institutions involved in international exchange agreements with Northwestern was impressive.  We also had the opportunity to work with a new potential partner institution. Although most of the students had never traveled abroad, they proved to be great representatives of our university and came away with an increased understanding and appreciation for these international partnerships.

This past weekend, the University’s Department of Military Science was the only ROTC program in Louisiana to be invited to participate in the 6th Brigade’s Joint Field Training Exercise at Fort Benning, GA. Northwestern’s cadre of 29 cadets joined those from Auburn University, University of West Florida, University of South Alabama, Auburn University at Montgomery, and Tuskegee University in the training exercise.

The primary focus of the program was to prepare MSIII (juniors) for Cadet Summer Training and training MSI (freshmen) and MSII (sophomores) on individual Soldier skills. The goal was to maximize individual and collective training while providing the cadets with numerous leadership opportunities.

It was a pleasure to attend the Alumni After Hours event in New Orleans Thursday night, and I will participate tonight in the gathering of NSU alumni in Baton Rouge. The University has numerous alumni across the state and nation who attribute much of their success to their time spent at NSU. Our alumni play a vital role in Northwestern’s future success as lifelong ambassadors of the university who continue to support NSU financially and in numerous other ways.  Thanks to our NSU Foundation and Alumni staff for their continued initiatives to establish and maintain relationships with former students who play a major role in enhancing the reputation and image of our university.

The Financial Aid priority deadline is May 1. Students can complete their 2022-2023 FAFSA online today at FAFSA.GOV. This free application for Federal Student Aid determines eligibility for grants, work-study, direct student loans, PLUS Loans for parents, and Tuition Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS).  ALL financial aid paperwork must be completed and in the NSU Office of Student Financial Aid by the priority deadline to receive priority consideration for financial aid.

This week, the Gallaspy College of Education and Human Development released pre-recorded videos of those faculty members describing their work over the last one to two years as Endowed Professors.    An endowed chair or professorship is the highest academic award bestowed on a faculty member at Northwestern and are crucial for recruiting and retaining extraordinary faculty whose work enriches the academic environment of a department, college, university or the state.  As a result of funding provided by endowments, the quality of higher education in specific programs is enhanced, and economic development in the community, region, or state is promoted.  Please take time to view the videos at Endowed Professorships – Northwestern State University (  You will be inspired by the work of these endowed professors who represent numerous others that have achieved this status at the university.

Fork ‘em Demons,

Dr. Marcus D. Jones
Northwestern State University