Congratulations! You did it. You’ve crossed the finish line and are embarking on the next phase of your journey. As you stand on the threshold of this new chapter, it’s important to acknowledge the tremendous support you’ve received along the way – from your family, friends, mentors, professors, classmates, and all those who have inspired you.

I have no doubt that your class, the Class of 2024, will be at the forefront of transformative innovations. It is through your collective efforts that we continue to reshape the world for the better.

While your time as students may have come to an end, please remember that our support for you does not stop with graduation. Lifelong learning is a journey we all must embrace, and NSU is here to provide you with opportunities for growth and development at every stage of your life. Whether it’s graduate school, career assistance, networking opportunities, CAPA events, or alumni gatherings, know that you can always count on NSU to be by your side.

I want to personally congratulate the newest officers in the United States Army. My sincere thanks to these students and their families for their service and sacrifice to our great Nation. I commend the Department of Military Science and the 74th Demon Battalion on your spectacular year.  Thank you for all you do for NSU and for your work in preparing the Nation’s leaders of tomorrow.

  • 2LT Peyton Bordelon (BA, Criminal Justice – Army Aviation, LA Army National Guard)
  • 2LT Loren Higginbotham (BS, Business Administration – Infantry, Army active duty)
  • 2LT Breanna James (BS, Psychology – Adjutant General’s Corps, LA Army National Guard)
  • 2LT Andrew Wesley (Bachelor of General Studies – Chemical Corps, Army active duty)

I am excited to share some notable updates from our Victory Financial Student-Managed Investment Fund (SMIF), expertly advised by Dr. Mark Swanstrom.

After a successful first year, our SMIF students have demonstrated exceptional skill in managing investments, making astute recommendations across various sectors. They achieved correct recommendations in 9 out of 14 sectors and 9 out of 12 individual stocks. Impressively, their fund outperformed the Dow, Russell 2000, and MSCI World Index.

I would like to thank Dr. Mark Swanstrom for his support and guidance of our SMIF program. These real-world applications allow our students to excel and prepare for successful careers.

As we transition into the summer, I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break. Whether you’re heading home, traveling, or staying on campus, take this time to relax and recharge.

Dr. Marcus D. Jones
Northwestern State University